The reasons behind it 
It’s estimated that approximately 300,000 people across the region are unaware that they have high blood pressure. Persistent high blood pressure can increase the risk of several serious and potentially life-threatening health conditions, including stroke.
The initiative encourages people to take steps to understand and reduce their risk of developing diabetes or experiencing a heart attack or stroke. You can read more about the reasons behind it here
Campaign highlights 
- 9 local events
- 289 health screens were offered over the rugby/cricket season
- 48 abnormal readings detected
- 38,827 people reached at events
- 500,000+ people reached
The camapign offered in person health screens over the 2024 rugby league and cricket season. You can read more about the impact of the FOHYRA campaign on the website.
Halifax man says his life was saved by blood pressure screening as part of partnership campaign
It’s Sunday 4 August. Halifax Panthers are about to take on Wakefield Trinity and Steve Whitaker, Volunteer Match Day Operations Manager, is going about his duties at the Shay Stadium as normal.
He sees that there is an offer for free health checks as part of the regional ‘Find Out How You Really Are’ campaign and thinks he might as well take part, despite feeling perfectly fine and well. Little did he know that decision potentially saved his life.
During the check the team of healthcare students from Get Set Goal at the University of Huddersfield found that Steve had very high blood pressure and advised that he should see his GP within 48 hours. Steve spent six days keeping a blood pressure diary before being admitted to hospital with a blood pressure reading of 217/145. He stayed in hospital for 5 days before being discharged with medication and guidance to make lifestyle changes that would help reduce his blood pressure.
Steve, 55, said: “I would like to pass on my thanks to the healthcare team for basically saving my life. Without the health screen I would have continued not knowing there was anything wrong. I’m really keen to encourage others to regularly get their own blood pressure checked - a message I’ve already shared with all of my family, friends and networks.”
Harjit from Huddersfield features in publicity for the campaign. Just four years ago, Harjit 54, who has type 2 diabetes, suffered a sudden heart attack and is keen to help raise awareness and promote common risk factors that could help others to avoid a similar experience.
Harjit said: “I welcomed the opportunity to be involved in the ‘Find Out How You Really Are’ campaign to help highlight the importance of potential risk factors for long term health conditions and help people to take greater control of their health. Ethnicity and family history also add to your risk factors for certain diseases and it’s important to be aware of this.”
See a short video from Harjit and Sophie below. You can also view the full video here.
The campaign was taken out across several local rugby league and cricket stadiums games during the 2024 season. Healthcare students from Get Set Goal at the University of Huddersfield completed 289 health screens and has some 486 quality conversations with rugby league and cricket fans. Read more about the difference this partnership is making on the website.
NHS Health Checks and Annual Reviews
You may attend a health screen at one of our sports events in the Find Out How You Really Are Campaign. It is important that you still attend and health checks or reviews that your GP practice invites you to. NHS Health Checks and annual reviews for certain health conditions will be more in-depth and personalised to you and your health condition than the health screens at the sports events, and the results will be saved in your medical records.
The health screens and conversations at the sports events are a great way to get people thinking about their health and wellbeing, especially for people who don’t tend to visit their GP practice regularly. Even if you have had one of these check-ups or even a blood pressure check elsewhere, if you are contacted by your GP practice to go for an NHS health check or review we strongly encourage you to attend.
Find out more information about NHS Health Checks and search for your local NHS Health Check service.